Some Projects


In this project we installed paving around a in ground pool, our designers team used two colors to make a warmer and familiar landscape
Note also that this project include also some steps to a deck for a BBQ


Dans ce projet notre équipe de design a utilisé de la pierre naturelle pour les échelons ainsi que pour le muret. La pierre naturelle, en plus de donneIn this project, our designer team used natural stones for the steps and for the wall. Natural stone not also is elegant but ecologies and has life time durability.
The small garden over the wall has been made with little trees and mulch than protect from the weed.


For this project our team made the entrance on a garage in a house at Montreal. Our expert team by using our machinery finished the project in the scheduled time and with a high quality.


By using high quality grass and with a lot of care, our team ends on schedule and high quality work.